The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948, recognizes the dignity of all people and states that human rights should apply equally to everyone, regardless of who they are or where they live. Students aged 8-17 will study human rights, look for answers to questions such as Why do we need to know our rights? What are human rights? How can we defend them? Then, they will apply the information developing their specific XXI century skills and will be assessed through interactive games.Students will develop their civic spirit, learn to solve real life problems, gain self-confidence working in a democratic, tolerant and inclusive environment! Students will work in international teams, respect netiquette, propose tasks, make games about rights, research and write articles in teams, using different interactive methods and web 2.0 tools, search for information, solve problems, compare respecting human rights in various countries, they will celebrate International Children's Rights Day, will write the Hero's Story, will present and meet an idol who fights for rights protect the specials and take action! The activities are integrated into the national curriculum in History, Legal Education, Civic Culture, Logic, Management.
HERO'S STORY - ebook read here

Utworzony za pomocą aplikacji Padlet
FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS VIDEO autorstwa Corina Valentina Voicu

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